how to win on the
digital shelf
In today's digital commerce landscape, simply being on the digital shelf is not enough to drive revenue.
As the spending habits of consumers evolve, so too do their online behaviours, with online shoppers now researching, sharing and purchasing across multiple platforms.
Yet many brands still struggle to execute a strong digital shelf strategy.
Winning on the digital shelf requires brands to optimise their presence across multiple platforms - making products easy to find, compelling to engage with, and seamless to purchase.
We take a look at the current state of the eCommerce market in Australia and how it has changed, the influence of digital on our non-digital purchases, and how brands are responding.
We also share the 6 key elements every brand must consider to win on the digital shelf now and into the future:
🔍 Understanding the power of invisible commerce
🔀 Aligning product logistics, content and retail media
🗣️ Thinking of commerce as a conversation channel, not just a conversion channel
⭐️ Viewing ratings & reviews as a foundation for product community
🤖 Making sure your brand is promotable in the world of AI
🧠 Shifting the organisation's mindset from eCommerce to connected commerce